Harram Temple No. 23


James Holmes
Illustrious Potentate

HPIP Les Miller
Deputy of the Oasis

Temple History

Harram Temple was instituted in Port Tampa, Florida under the leadership of Noble John R. Hall, Illustrious Potentate in 1896. Here’s a point of history: during this time, they were called Rising Star No.23 before the name was changed to Harram Temple No.23. Rising Star was moved to Tampa, Florida in 1900. Harram Temple No.23 was Chartered September 25, 1927. Prince Hall Shrinedom embraces all of the basic fundamental concepts of the Masonic Order, but is more colorful with a broader spectrum of visibility by the manner in which it serves as a charitable non-profit organization and dispenses charity in the community and the care for its own. 

Harram Temple No. 23, Inc., Prince Hall Shriners is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.  On the local level, the organizaiton supports Education/Charity programs, which covers school supplies/book bags; Youth Program, such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Shriners as Mentors Program (SAM), National Diabetes Initiative (NDI), and volunteer at the Metropolitan Ministries.  Harram awards scholarships annualy to deserving college/university bound students, to include vocational/trade schools to help offset expenses.  Also, the Temple supports annual Thanksgiving and Christmas charity drives for the less fortunate and operate an annual Clothes Closet distribution program.


Meetings:  3rd Sundays – 2:30PM

Website:  Harram Temple #23 Facebook Page


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